Downtown Detroit is the host location for the North American Space Summit and this year’s host hotel is the Atheneum Suites. Downtown Detroit is bustling with a plethora of choices available to you. Dining, entertainment, lodging and cultural sites can be found in abundance.
Check out our links from the top menu for a start point and enjoy your visit to “The D”.
NOTE: Button links to the right including Greektown and others will take you to the The Detroit People Mover website and a detail page for that stop. That site has been very slow so expect some delay when clicking on the links to their respective pages on that site.
Getting Around Detroit
Getting around the City of Detroit is cheap and easy thank to the Detroit People Mover. A monthly pass is available for $10 and rides are only $0.75! The DPM is around 3 miles long and follows a course around the downtown area like a subway. An important note is that the DPM does NOT run 24 hours a day so plan accordingly. Hours of operation can be found below.